WK has almost 50 years experiences in manufacturing, dedicated to BS products, our workers and staffs have an average of 15 served years. Our production lines are designed for electrical products; our laboratory is fully equipped for BS1363.
- WK 在製造英國標準產品方面有近50年的經驗。
- WK 專門設計及生產 BS 產品,我們的員工平均有15年或以上的服務年限。我們的生產線是專門為電氣產品設計的,我們的實驗室亦是完全配備 BS1363 的設備。
Besides investing on equipment, WK invests a lot on our workers and staff too, we treat our workers and staffs as our true family members. Each month, we have birthday parties. Each season, we organize various internal sport competitions.
除了投資設備,WK 也在員工身上有投放不同的資源,我們將員工視為我們的真正家庭成員。每個月,我們都有生日聚會。每個季節,我們都有內部體育比賽等等,以增加員工的歸屬感,上班就如回家的感覺。
- WK realize the importance of communication, we hold daily assembly to brief our workforce for the day objectives, we encourage by offering rewards and incentives to workers for their input to positive improvements.
- Our team communicates with our suppliers everyday, to ensure the high qualities will be delivered as per the schedule.
WK 強調溝通的重要性,我們每天召開會議,向員工說明每日的目標,我們還與供應商每天進行溝通,以確保高質量產品能按照計劃交付。
WK accredited ISO 9000, and was the 1st factory to accredit BS5750 (previous version of ISO9000) in Hong Kong. We work with defined procedure, and we also help our suppliers to set up their own procedures too.
WK 認證的 ISO 9000,是第一家在香港認證 BS5750 (以前版本的 ISO9000) 的工廠。我們使用定立的程序,我們也幫助我們的供應商建立自己的程序。
WK insists to control quality from the raw material, to component, and to finish products. We understood our quality issue could potentially lead to safety issue to the end user, hence, WK NEVER compromise in quality.
WK 堅持由原材料開始監控,至部件和成品的質量。由於質量可能會導致最終用戶的安全問題,因此,在質量上 WK 絕不妥協。